- Преподаватель: Габдолла Акишевич Акишев
@template core/single_select
Moodle template for a single select submit form.
Context variables required for this template:
* name - Element name.
* method - get or post.
* action - the action url to submit to.
* classes - Element classes.
* label - Element label.
* disabled - true if this element is disabled.
* title - Element title.
* formid - optional id value for the form.
* id - id for the element.
* params - array of params with name and value attributes.
* options - Array of options for the select with value, name , slected and optgroup properites.
* labelattributes - Label attributes.
* helpicon - Help icon.
Example context (json):
"name": "lang",
"method": "get",
"action": "http://localhost/stable_master/mod/scorm/player.php",
"classes": "langmenu",
"label": "Zombies are coming...",
"disabled": false,
"title": null,
"formid": "randomid",
"id": "single_select5833dd4f4b08d108",
"params": [
"name": "scoid",
"value": "12"
"name": "cm",
"value": "15"
"name": "mode",
"value": "review"
"name": "currentorg",
"value": "eXeMapADrive4823c6301cf72b22b72"
"options": [
"value": "en",
"name": "English (en)",
"selected": true,
"optgroup": false
"value": "ar",
"name": "Muhaaaa..",
"selected": false,
"optgroup": false
"labelattributes": [],
"helpicon": false
require(['jquery', 'core/custom_interaction_events'], function($, CustomEvents) {
CustomEvents.define('#{{id}}', [CustomEvents.events.accessibleChange]);
$('#{{id}}').on(CustomEvents.events.accessibleChange, function() {
var ignore = $(this).find(':selected').attr('data-ignore');
if (typeof ignore === typeof undefined) {